Monday, August 4, 2014

Es Car Go! July 24

Escargot – You Know?

Well, I only have one experience with escargot and that was over 30 years ago when I lived in Switzerland. We knew that people in Europe ate snails. So one day we went out snail hunting which is pretty easy since snails seem to be everywhere. We gathered a good sampling and decided we would cook them that evening. We had them in a container and put a plate on top so they wouldn't get out. Then we went out to shop leaving them sitting on the shelf. When we returned, the plate was gone as well as most of the snails. After looking around we discovered that the snails had escaped and were having the time of their lives crawling around the shelves and all over the ceiling of our apartment. Oh what fun. We decided maybe we wouldn't eat them after all!

When we were invited to Jean-Claude's and Martine's house for dinner, we were shown the cage for snails. I got this funny feeling we might be eating them that night. And yes, I was right. We learned the process for “cleaning” snails before you can eat them which is basically leaving them in the wire cage for a week to do their digesting!

Jean-Claude did the snail cooking with wine, garlic and tomatoes and they were really quite good. It's just that I picture them in my mind as they slowly slide along the grass in the garden with their antennae extended! But if you don't think about it, they go down much easier. 

Actually they are good!  Look at Anne's face!
Anne had a good time with them and she was so hungry she ate quite a few thinking that was all there was for dinner. However, the main course was yet to come.
We had several kinds of grilled pork that was delicious and green beans from the garden and a tomato salad. All was so yummy.

 And for dessert we had rhubarb ice cream! I also brought a small gift of flourless chocolate cake.

 It was quite the evening as we had started with an aperitif in the 'cave'. What an interesting place that was!....

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