Friday, July 11, 2014

Veronique & Peter

Veronique and Peter July 2

Well, fortunately we did not have to wait long. Six foot four inch Peter came loping along and we did our french kiss of greeting and loaded the luggage into the car. Fortunately they have a big car and it all fit!

We had a most wonderful afternoon getting acquainted and taking the tour of the villa and the grounds, meeting the cat “Pitchou” and the 4 newly arrived chickens. What can I say. The villa that was built in 1870 is absolutely amazing, absolutely beautiful, absolutely ancient and we can tell it will be an amazing summer. The villa has been in Veronique's family since it was built and they bought out the siblings in order to turn it into a bed and breakfast.

Veronique and Peter plan to retire here in two years. She is currently a caterer in WA and Peter is recovering from a bicycle accident from last year and keeping up with the villa (a full time job!).  He is American and they met in the US in the food industry.  They come to France in the winter for 6 weeks and then back in the summer to manage the Bed and Breakfast. The catering business is slow at this time so they can get away for this long period. They have put a lot of work into the restoration of the villa and it has been transformed into something magnificent. 

It's an incredible amount of work but well worth the effort. People are so enthusiastic to stay and be a part of this family enterprise. Just to walk on the grounds makes you relax and enjoy the flowers. Fresh farm eggs, homemade jams and jellies, fresh picked fruit, sweet butter and warm smiles make you want to return. And did I mention how good the fresh made bread is every day? 

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